Injury to the eye: first aid and effects of injury

Mallick Speaks
3 min readJun 24, 2024

Closed eyeball injuries occur in cases of beatings, accidents, accidental blows or sports injuries. A blow to the eye can cause mild or very serious injuries, even resulting in loss of vision or organs of vision.

A blow to the eye is a very common eye injury that can have various consequences. Blunt closed eye injuries most often occur due to:

· beating (punching, kicking),

· sports injuries (hitting a ball, hockey puck),

· bicycle, car or workplace accidents,

· impact (e.g. with a champagne cork).

A blow to the eye can cause a number of different symptoms. Most often, it is, of course, eye pain , swelling, bruise, redness or rupture of blood vessels causing a visible hematoma in the eye . Sometimes there is burning and tearing. The symptoms of an impact to the eye can also be more serious, including loss or deterioration of vision, difficulty moving the eyeball, or fractures of the orbital bones as a result of a very severe injury.

A blow to the eye and a hematoma in the eye

A blow to the eye may cause a hematoma to appear in the eye. Although a visible hematoma is often disturbing due to its appearance (the white of the eye turns red), there is usually no reason to worry.

A hematoma in the eye following an impact is generally a subconjunctival hemorrhage . This is a relatively harmless…



Mallick Speaks

Blogger, Writer, Translator and Social Media Guru. I am a computer Programmer and Database Administrator.