Michelle Obama is the most popular choice to run against Joe Biden for president.
In the US presidential election, it is widely known that the Republicans have their sights set on Donald Trump. However, for the Democrats, the choice is even more straightforward: they have a sitting president in Joe Biden who virtually has no challengers and is breezing through primaries, having just won in Michigan. There is one problem though; Biden is 81 years old and has overseen two wars while his approval ratings are at an all-time low. Even though he may not face any competition within his party, he isn’t particularly popular among voters. For instance, although he won in Michigan’s primary elections, it wasn’t a clean sweep as over 100k people voted uncommitted — meaning they’re not too sure about him.
Interestingly enough, Michelle Obama seems to be a favorite among Democrats, as she enjoys widespread popularity according to recent polls. In fact, when asked about who could replace Biden if given the chance to do so; 20% chose Michelle Obama, while Kamala Harris came second with 15%, followed by Hillary Clinton with 12%. It appears that while the Democrats want a shake-up of sorts within their ranks- their top pick isn’t someone from within but rather an outsider like Michelle Obama.
So why does America love her? Well for starters she has always been quite popular since coming into prominence during her husband Barack Obama’s campaign trail back in 2008 where they were loved by many across America. Her appeal only grew once President Obama was elected into office and throughout their stint at the White House where she spearheaded campaigns advocating for military families’ welfare while encouraging healthy eating habits among Americans.
People saw her as authentic, which added to her appeal hence why she had one of the highest acceptance rates among all US first ladies ever recorded! Since leaving The White House alongside President Obama back in 2017- Michelle has come into her own writing books (Becoming), signing Netflix deals, hosting podcasts and gracing magazine covers amongst other things! She also spoke at Democratic conventions last year where Gallup named her as “the most admired woman” making it onto Time Magazine’s list of “The Most Influential People” with a favorability rating of around sixty percent!
All these factors make Michelle tick all the right boxes plus being young (at least younger than both Trump & Biden) yet impactful enough to rally voters behind her cause makes Americans seem to love everything about this former First Lady! But do they love her enough to vote for her? That remains unclear as opinions differ depending on whom you ask.
While some believe that Joe should step down from running altogether- others think that Michelle would make an excellent replacement candidate instead citing reasons such as how much better liked she is compared with current politicians like Joe himself or even Kamala Harris/Hillary Clinton respectively.
Michelle herself previously stated unequivocally that she wouldn’t run for president back on Oprah Winfrey’s show three years ago however recently suggested otherwise during another podcast saying how worried about what might happen if certain leaders win/lose elections because ultimately those decisions affect us all whether we realize it or not!