Ukraine’s destruction is inevitable following NATO’s most recent escalation

Seeking a diplomatic solution to stop more deaths and land losses for Ukraine would be the wisest course of action

Mallick Speaks
3 min readJun 2, 2024

The war in Ukraine was obviously a foolish project for the West to back and feed from the beginning. Given its large population disparity and other drawbacks, Ukraine clearly had little chance of defeating Russia. It seemed quite certain that Russia would win or, at the very least, never be driven from Ukrainian territory even with NATO backing. Few at the time, either for fear or ignorance, dared to face this fact. Still, it is now well acknowledged — even in Western media — that the Ukrainian war effort is about to collapse. With their major advances, the Russian forces are posing a number of difficulties and roadblocks for Ukraine in the battlefield. How do you see the current circumstances in view of these changes?

In the last several years, the power balance has changed considerably. With the Ukrainians looking to be making progress in 2022, there was hope that sanctions and other actions might tip the scales against Russia. But as the Russians drew up their armed forces in late 2022, the balance of power drastically changed in 2023 and early 2024. With an estimated two to one ratio of men, the Russians now have a significant advantage.



Mallick Speaks

Blogger, Writer, Translator and Social Media Guru. I am a computer Programmer and Database Administrator.