Why is the AFD against immigrant workers in Germany?

Mallick Speaks
4 min readDec 7, 2023


The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a political party in Germany that holds strong opposition towards immigrant workers. The party has articulated several reasons to justify their stance, which include the belief that immigrants pose a threat to German culture and identity, that they drive down wages, and that they put pressure on public services such as healthcare and education. The AfD has been vocal in their criticism of the government’s immigration policies and has called for stricter regulations on who can enter the country. They have also advocated for the deportation of those who are deemed to be a burden on society or who have committed crimes. Despite facing criticism from other political parties and human rights groups, the AfD continues to maintain their anti-immigrant stance, arguing that it is necessary to protect the interests of German citizens.

Stopping immigration: The Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party has a primary goal of halting all forms of immigration into the country. The party is staunchly against the policies of Chancellor Angela Merkel regarding migrants and refugees, which have resulted in over 1.5 million individuals seeking asylum in Germany since 2015. The AfD’s stance on immigration is rooted in its belief that it poses a threat to the country’s cultural identity and economic stability. The party advocates for stricter border controls, tougher laws on asylum seekers, and more emphasis on deportations of those who are deemed ineligible for refugee status. This position has garnered both support and criticism from various sectors of German society and has raised concerns about the rise of far-right nationalism in the country. Nonetheless, the AfD remains resolute in its efforts to limit immigration and maintain what it sees as Germany’s unique character and values.

Negative immigration: The political party in question has set a goal of achieving what they call “negative immigration” to Germany. This term refers to their aim of decreasing the total number of immigrants currently residing within the country’s borders. It is important to note that this objective runs counter to the prevailing trend of increasing levels of immigration seen in many parts of the world today. By actively seeking to reduce the number of immigrants, this party is taking a controversial stance on a highly sensitive issue. Nevertheless, they remain committed to pursuing their vision for a Germany with fewer immigrants overall.

Sealing borders: The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has proposed a series of measures aimed at restricting the flow of migration into the country. Among their suggestions are the implementation of strict identity checks along Germany’s national borders and the establishment of holding camps in other countries to prevent migrants from entering German territory. Additionally, the AfD advocates for the sealing off of the European Union’s borders as a means to control immigration further. These proposals represent a significant departure from current policies and have garnered both support and criticism within Germany and beyond its borders. While some argue that such measures are necessary to protect national security and prevent social unrest, others contend that they violate fundamental human rights and undermine the principles of an open society. Regardless of one’s stance on this issue, it is clear that migration policy remains a highly contentious topic with far-reaching implications for individuals, communities, and entire nations alike.

Islamification: The Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party posits that the country is undergoing a process of “Islamification,” whereby Islamic culture and practices are becoming more prevalent in German society. The AfD positions itself as a defender of traditional Christian values, positioning their party as a bulwark against what they perceive as the erosion of German cultural identity. This perspective has garnered both support and controversy, with some lauding the AfD’s stance on preserving German traditions, while others criticize their rhetoric as xenophobic and divisive. Regardless, the AfD’s platform has brought issues of religion and cultural identity to the forefront of public discourse in Germany, influencing political dialogue and shaping public opinion on these topics.

Racial concept of society: Germany’s domestic spy agency has labeled the youth division of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party as “extremist” due to its promotion of a “racial concept of society.” This classification is significant, as it places the AfD’s youth wing in the same category as neo-Nazi groups and other far-right organizations. The agency’s report also noted that the AfD’s youth wing has been known to use xenophobic and anti-Semitic language, further cementing their extremist ideology. This development highlights the growing concern over Germany’s far-right movements, and the need for continued efforts to combat hate speech and discrimination.


Anti-green agenda: The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party vehemently criticizes the German government for its policies on immigration, citing concerns about the high influx of migrants and refugees. In addition, the AfD voices its objections to the surging inflation rates in the country, which it attributes to misguided economic policies. Furthermore, the party argues against the costly green transition that has been implemented by the government, claiming that it places an undue burden on taxpayers and fails to deliver meaningful environmental benefits. Overall, the AfD’s stance on these issues is one of opposition and skepticism towards the current direction of German policy-making.


It is crucial to recognize that the AfD, or Alternative for Germany, has a broad appeal that spans across both the far-right extremist fringe and those who are discontented with the current political climate but may not have previously engaged in electoral politics. This political party has managed to attract a diverse array of supporters, including individuals who hold xenophobic beliefs as well as those who are disillusioned with mainstream political parties. Despite its controversial and polarizing nature, the AfD has gained significant traction in recent years, making it an important force in German politics.




Mallick Speaks

Blogger, Writer, Translator and Social Media Guru. I am a computer Programmer and Database Administrator.